Week 3 -- FRIDAY -- Deload Bench
Started w/ a general warmup of OH squats and power cleans
Triples: 225, 275
Singles: 315, 335, 345
-I think I coulda set a PR today - felt really strong. I paused all the singles at the bottom and they all went up really smooth. My elbows didn't bother me at all either, thankfully.
EDIT: just thought of something - last year I did a drug cycle using more than double the dose of the cycle I just completed. I tested 1rm on bench on the last week of the cycle and failed at 355. This time around, post-cycle w/ the gear totally cleared, I'm casually putting up 345 in a deload week (didn't even grab a spotter) - that's some pretty decent progress IMO.
Incline DB press
105'sx6, 115'sx4, 125'sx4
-Quasi deload
. Since I cut frequency in half, I figured that going kinda heavy but not all out on these would be all right. And based on how bench felt I don't think I'm still dealing with tons of fatigue. I was probably good for 6 w/ the 125's if I had to guess.
BB rows
-Felt awesome. Really snapped 'em ibto my midsection. It was good to get my torso a little closer to parallel too - form is improving.
Standing OHP
Doubles: 155, 165, 185, 205
Single: 225 (fail)
-Kinda puzzled by this - 185 was a joke but then 225 felt immovable. My sticking point for these is exactly the same as my sticking point for push press, which I find a little odd; I thought that push press would get stuck a little bit higher up. Whatever.
Next week will be a bit more organized than the last two weeks. I'm gonna rum MEs in two-week rotations and my assistance/DE work will be ramped a la 5x5, with the goal of setting a PR for each in week 4 (maybe week 3 depending on the situation).
Movement choices:
ME Squat/DL
ME Weeks 1-2/Weeks 3-4: GM/Box squat
Accessory: Front squat for 8 triples, chins 3 sets of 6, and probably back extensions for prehab
ME Bench
ME weeks 1-2/Weeks 3-4: Rack lockouts/Standing OHP (though I may switch OHP to week 1 and lockouts to week 2 - not sure just yet)
Accessory: DB flat bench 5x5, BB rows 3 sets of 8, light OHP for prehab during lockout weeks, laterals (or some other gay m,ovement like 'em
) for prehab during OHP week.
DE Squat/DL
DE: Box squat 10 doubles, deadlift 4 singles
Accessory: RDL 5x5 (or possibly ramping, but I'm leaning toward 5x5 for now),
chins 3 sets of 6, and low back prehab of some sort (likely more back extensions)
DE Bench
DE: Bench 8 triples
Accessory: CGBP 3 sets of 5 (same weight), rows for 5 triples, and elbow prehab consisting of some sort of extension (possibly skullcrushers in the 12-ish rep range).
No direct ab work - I don't think it does me any good at this point. B/t the front squats and OHP, I don't feel the need for ab work. I really don't think my core is holding me back in the least.