newgirl said:Warlobo -- while most women would consider your post a thump on the head; I do not. I actually sat there nodding my head as i went down the list.
A good example is the woman who sits next to me. About 50% fat, 5'9 and 260 pounds. Says she has a slow metabolism and cannot lose weight. It has NOTHING to do with the fact that she starves all day, come 2 pm, eats McDonalds for lunch about three times a week (during the work week) and then grabs candy and stuffs it in her mouth every single afternoon. The only protein she gets is that damn McD burger....and that aint protein.
Will she walk? NOPE, workout -- she does not have time.
Your words ring true -- but not for the wonderful women of this board.....
I have the same problem with some of the people I know newgirl. They are like 60% bf, but figure if they do push ups (which I don't see how they are doing those....) or crunches, they think they are doing something. I have this friend that pays for a gym membership every month, but does not go to the gym. At first her excuse was that she had to go to school and work. But now she has graduated and has all morning and part of the afternoon free, and what does she spend it doing? Sleeping. Now she is staring to panic now that summer is right around the corner and is now trying to eat one small thing a day. I told her "Ok.........if you do that you are going to f**k you metabolism up even worse", but her response to me is "oh well, but at least I will still lose weight". That is the kind of shit that pisses me off about lazy ass people. But it is going to backfire on her in the long run because whatever weight she does lose will be water and muscle, and will gain about 10 more in fat altogether. She is the kind of person that refuses to learn to do it correctly. But you can't tell grown people anything, they are going to do what they want to do anyway.