Thursday, March 15, 2007
TGI Almost Friday!
Weight Progress:
BF Progress:
Well, hmmm... where do I start? I'm really liking the new split so far. I told the hubby that we weren't allowed to goof off in between sets (we usually get carried away during rest time, shooting the shit, so rest is 1-2 minutes), so that we could get finished in time. We finished in less than an hour! YAY! I was still very hungry after my final meal and ended up snacking on way too many caramel rice cakes

, so today I'm going to move some of my crackers to meal 4, and switch things around a bit. That should help. My meals 1 through 3 are too big anyways. They're very hard to finish. I need to get a better plan for next week, and maybe even divide it up and put another meal in there. Right now, I'm going to try to limit myself to two cheat meals a week. I usually have cheat days, cheat weekends,... eep. Lots of cheats.
I'm still sick, but I'm feeling better. Thanks for all the positive vibes. They must be working.
Abs are a little tight, but nothing bad.
*stick to meal plan
*get in water
Meal Plan - 1800 cals, 40/40/20
M1: 5 egg whites, .5c oats, 1c blackberries, multi
M2: 1c LF cottage cheese, 1c oats, FF SF pudding mix
M3: 3oz chicken, 2c spinach, spray dressing, 9 WW saltines
M4: 1scoop PP, 9 WW saltines
M5: 3oz. salmon, 1c asparagus
M6: .5scoop PP
Total Cals:.....1746
Fat:..........37g - 20%
Carbs:.....200g - 41%
Protein:...160g - 39%
Cardio and/or Weights Plan
A.M. - None - laying off this while sick
P.M. - Back/Calves
Pullups (5, 4, 3)
Seated Cable Rows (9x12, 11x12, 11x12)
One Arm DB Rows (30x12, 30x12, 30x12)
Seated Calves (90x25, 90x25, 90x25)
Standing Calves (155x20, 155x20, 155x20)