Friday, February 23, 2006
Carb Cycling, Day 5: Low Carb Day
Weight Progress:
128.0 (2-17-07)
129.0 (1-20-07)
BF Progress:
15.4% (2-17-07)
16.9% (1-20-07)
Date.....(2-17-07).....(1-20-07)........Total Loss

I've hated work this week... not that anything has been different. I've just been getting more and more fed up with doing my job. I feel like I'm wasting my life away there. The only thing getting me through is doing extensive research on toiletry making.

I've decided to try making all natural, preservative free bath and body products.

I ordered some essential oils this week, and as soon as they arrive I will make my first project -- bath salts. I'm starting really small/easy to get the hang of it. My skin is really finicky, and I'm tired of buying lotions, etc. from places like Bath & Body Works only to break out in a rash. So, that's pretty exciting, I guess... the product-making, not the rash. LMAO! Also, I've been really enjoying baking, and I wanted something else to make that I couldn't eat. Hubby picked on me the other day and said, "
Don't make anything chocolate flavored, or you might eat that, too." Nice!

We're going out of town this weekend, so my log will probably be sporadic or nonexistent.
Shit! I just realized I had my progress dates wrong in my log.
Oh, also yesterday was the hardest of all days to stick to the program. They had a Reese's Cup ice cream cake from Coldstone Creamery for a birthday, so I ended up craving chocolate like CRAZY! At night, I ended up giving in and having a miniature Hershey's bar... it wasn't quite the same thing, but what can ya do?
Today's Goals:
* drink lots of water
* stick to plan
* gym tonight!
Meal Plan
M1: 1.5 scoops protein powder, .5 banana, .25c oats, multi
M2: 2c spinach, 3.5oz. chicken, Wishbone Spray Dressing, 1oz. roasted red peppers, 1oz. almonds
M3: 1c lowfat cottage cheese, 1c pineapple chunks (from frozen, NSA), .25c spoon sized shredded wheat
M4: 1 scoop protein powder, 1plain puffed rice cake
M5: We're going to Wendy's, so I'm having a small chili piled on a side salad, no dressing
M6: 2oz. celery, 1T ANPB, 1 scoop protein powder,
Total Cals:..... 1545
Fat:........45g - 28%
Carbs:....125g - 28%
Protein:..162g - 44%
Cardio and/or Weights Plan
0:00-5:00 5mph warmup
HIIT 30/60
5mph/10mph x 4 cycles
3mph/10mph x 2 cycles
I started getting really lightheaded, dizzy, and seeing stars during the 4th recovery cycle. I backed off and walked for the last two recoveries. I didn't want to pass out. LOL!! I ate half a banana beforehand since cardio was so difficult after my last no carb day. That's probably how I lasted more than 3 minutes this time.
I am just going to do what I can do after no carb days, and I'm not going to beat myself up over not doing a lot.
P.M. - Random crap to get all body parts in since we'll be out of town.
Military Press
We always have short days at the gym on Fridays so that we can grocery shop afterwards.