My Johnson really needs a breathe of fresh air periodically. I take it out and swing it to and fro when it starts to feel clammy. Sometimes the timing is a bit unfortunate though. There was the cop at the .......... Memories....sigh.
Darktooth knows whats up.
Baby powder or Gold Bond keepin your boys fresh...
I say adjust anywhere you can get away with it. Just be quick about it. I've gotten so quick I could almost do it with people watching and they'd just think it was an optical illusion.
why not man? i always pull my pants half way down to tuc my shirt in, in parking lots, malls, there a problem with that? everyone thinks i'm crazy, i dont think it's a big deal
Sometimes, a good leg stretch will free up the boys if you can't reach in and adjust. It's better than not scratching, which inevitably will lead to a rabid like state.