i do, but i dont believe its necessary. i feel like kind of an insomniac sometimes. waking up and having a glass of milk or a protein shake does no harm i believe. but hell, if your smashing an extra large pizza, now thats another story.
i wrote it like that because i have noticed that most of the people that do eat at night is because they believe they will get into a catabolic state if they don't.
for me it's more about needing to cause I am Diabetic and I always get hungry between 3 and 5 am so i get up and either have a shake of a PB& J sandwich or turkey or whatever's in the fridge!
I chuckled - I eat in the night, but I don't think it's necessary - in fact, I wish I wouldn't. But I'm on the just trying to loose weight part of it, not trying to get all buff!