im travelling around America from Europe and I just wondered where and if I can buy ephedrine when I get there. Is it safe to bring some with me or will I run into problems at the airports? Is it available in los angeles in stores?
You can get ephedra at vitamin/health food stores or ephedrine at the pharmacies. It is over the counter ... you don't need a doctor's prescription. Ask or look for Primatene tablets or Bronchaid (maybe "Bronkaid"). They are more expensive than through a health food distributor or online. Only Illinois has banned the sale of Ephedra and that was only about a month or two months ago.
All ephedrine is tableted with guafenessin -- an expectorant -- because it is harder for methamphetamine labs to extract ephedrine -- the base drug for meth. I believe that federal law now mandates that they are combined for that reason.
In college I was able to mail order 1000 25mg pills for $20 before the expectorant was added. But I had to give them a copy of my driver's license. I only wanted them for before an intense workout.