So, should we all do lets's say... 3 * 8 sets of flyes before we jump into benchpressing, giing up a big bench for a bigger chest?
I tried it a few times however the funnie thing is that:
- when i start with flyes, my bench goes down (to be expected, and the pump is awesome)
- when i start whis heavy benches, my pecs are really full and i can still do the flyes afterward with the same weight as if I would do flyes as first exercise....??????
Maybe it's a warmup thing or another personal thing.....
Also some time I experimented with pre-exhausting pecs with pec-deck as first exercise , really squeezing for full contraction and what I noticed was the LACK of the myostatic reflex. Cause doing benches after that sucked . not in a good way as pre-exhausion would have done, but in a bad way in the sense that wide grip benchpressing itselve is kind of a stretching exercise and doing the peak contraction squeezes at the pek-deck temporarily altered neural pathways so that i had trouble using the myostatic reflex in the benchpress