I have been on plenty of anti's in the past and let me tell you, it is NOT good to become dependant on a little pill that will make you all better. Life is full of stresses... work, school, body, mind, family etc.... I used training as my outlet for so long. I took some time off and wow did that make me MORE tense.
Honestly, I started getting deep tissue massages and pampering myself a little bit, getting back in the gym after my recent 4 weeks break helped tremendously. I always recommend running it by a doctor but BEWARE of those that just wanna give you pill and see the next patient ... Like Crossy said, talking things through can help a great deal if you can find someone to confide in.
I still have panic attacks, they aren't fun but I am happy when they are over, that's for sure. If you'd like to talk more PM with with specifics as to why you are stressing out and I'll try to help, maybe you just need to get it out...