You are right Okie, he is BAD!!
I am working my way up to the pulling out the pan barehanded thing. I am not quite that tough, but with the help of Cell-tech, I can get there.
Seriously guys, a lot of what has been said here has been in fun. Not the leg warmers stuff, though. I am dead serious about that.
And regarding straps, if you don't ever use them, you will develop a much stronger grip. I used straps almost exclusively while younger, and developed a very strong upper back, and a terrible grip, by doing so. I am still running to catch up from that mistake.
No gloves do not make you a panzy. . . automatically, but they are not allowed in competitions, and I don't care what you guys say. Having a sandpaper like hand is manly. Women don't have hands like that, so it must by default be manly.