I know what your mean but I'm talking about where he has his backside about a foot above the bench.......extreme arching which turns the exercise more into a decline bench press.I've seen a lot of people do this.Surprised none of them don't get hurt more often.
I know what your mean but I'm talking about where he has his backside about a foot above the bench.......extreme arching which turns the exercise more into a decline bench press.I've seen a lot of people do this.Surprised none of them don't get hurt more often.
Cause he is cheating. People can generally lift more in a decline, so he is putting himself in that position. It also makes the bar travel less of a distance. There is actually a little less stress on the shoulder joint in this position, if i am not mistaken. But yes, i would think you would pull some muscles somewhere in that bent shpe, but who knows.
In all seriousness, i benched 365 3 times max. I weigh 235lb.
I'm a little tall and was never a good bencher, 245x10 or 320 for 1. I prefer slow reps, helps keep my shoulders from bitchin, but I really prefer dumbells over BB.
In competition, arching is allowed as long as the shoulders and lower back are in contact with the bench, that´s how I bench. But what I don´t understand is people benching with their butt one fot above the bench.
That is exactly how I bench because if I use the dead fish technique, it kills my shoulders and sometimes my back. Pull your shoulder blades in, arch the back a bit and keep the rest of your body on the bench.