40-60 seconds of TUT seems best for mass. ok, this means that at different repranges we can THEORATICALY still pursue mass depending on the REPSPEED we use.....
Let's say we want to shoot for 40 seconds TUT
Example flat Dumbellpress:
reps tempo-seconds (down,hold,up,hold)
5 7,0,1,0 (40) second TUT
6 6,0,1,0 (42)
7 5,0,1,0 (40)
8 4,0,1,0 (40)
9 3,0,1,0 (36)
9 3,0,2,0 (45)
10 3,0,1,0 (40)
10 2,0,2,0 (40)
11 2,0,2,0 (42)
12 2,0,1,0 (36)
I've read the the best lifter is usually also the fastest lifter (speedstrength) , so I would prefer the contracting phase to be short:
3,0,1,0 seconds for 10 reps instead of 2,0,2,0
Also i feel that a white fiber guy should shoot for 40 seconds TUT and a red fiber guy 60 seconds TUT
I think that 8 to 10 reps are most fitted as i feel that it's very hard to find a right weight for 5 reps that fits 40 seconds TUT as a light weight will not allow you to fail at 5 reps and a really heavy weight you cannot lower easy in 7 second AND press it out in 1 second!!!
So yeh, as boring as it may sound 8 reps for the true white fiber guy and 15 reps for the true red fiber guy using a 2,0,2,0 repspeed (60 seconds TUT)
And in between (most people?) (50 TUT) :
12 reps at 2,0,2,0 (48) or
12 reps at 3,0,1,0 (48) <----pre-ferred
HOWEVER there is also the rule of progressive overload that says YOU HAVE TO GET STRONGER TO GET BIGGER, but it is very hard not to plateau if you keep doing same REPS all year, so that's why we see that proffesional bb occaisonally throw in a POWER cycle where they focus on 5-6 heavy reps, strength rather than size, just to INCREASE THEIR POTENTIAL FOR MASS-TRIAINING TO COME AFTER THAT or other guys that stay year round "in the TUT zone" by doing
4 weeks : 8 reps at 4,0,1,0
4 weeks : 10 reps at 3,0,1,0
4 weeks : 12 reps at 3,0,1,0
Personally I would do BOTH
4 weeks STRENGTH PHASE, HEAVY NEGATIVES 5 reps at 4,0,1,0
( TUT 25 ) while this TUT is more fitted for strength than mass there will be a huge carry-over for pressing heavy 8-10 reps
Followed by progression in "the zone":
4 weeks : 8 reps at 4,0,1,0
4 weeks : 10 reps at 3,0,1,0
4 weeks : 12 reps at 3,0,1,0
REPEAT Strength Phase etc...
If we want to fit SUPER - SLOMO training (like 10 seconds eccentric and 5 seconds concentric) into an optimal TUT range, 4 reps seems to be a good reprange (60 seconds) and suprise suprise 60 seconds is more fitted for the red fiber guy. Also the fact that white fiber guys can have faster muscle contractions it seems appropiate that the slow CONCENTRIC phase is better for Red fiber people (?)
Just some thoughts, no clinical evidence here...