Even As I Type
Even as I type, I'm suffering the effects of a rhomboid area injury I got about 16 years ago. I was a kid who had the incredible genetics and ate every supplement in sight, and a guy I was friends with and looked up to was nearby so I decided to go for a few more hack squats to impress him and on number 15 it was like someone took a bat to the back of my neck. I could hear it!
I went to the hospital and got the standard collar and muscle relaxants. Ever since then there was something around the upper middle of my back attaching to my scap that wasn't right.
Now it's pretty bad after these past few months when I re-aggravated it. It's like I lost a ton of muscle in that upper middle area and it's tightening up and pulling so hard on my arms and wrists and fingers that they're tight too.
I hope some of you guys can give advice on how to work this area gently.