Oh ya i got belt, wraps and breifs. I always were briefs. Its just habit now. Next week i am going to go over 700 the same way then i still may go up the next week before i start suiting up. I would like to go 725 with no suit. As far as what i will hit in June. Who knows? What i squat in the gym is one thing. But i am capapble of over 800lb. I blasted a 765 pretty easy as well. My suit as been altered so who knows if it will even work right. I think it will though. But if you remeber my post about my patella tendon its the only reason i am keeping wraps on them.
I usually dont wrap till after 585 last traiing cycle , and hit 675 no wraps on the box too, but last night i wrapped at 500. I am being safe. And it worked this is week 2 i havent had to come home and ice my knee!
I love box squatting, alot. But yes the transiition isa only taking a couple of workouts to come out of, but your right i wish i could just always box. My partner Jimmie dean box squatts all they way up to the meet. If everything goes the way i plan i will go 800 plus! But i have never got my 3 rd attempt squat. Hell i have only got my second attempt once. Remeber i have very little experience in full power meets. BUt i am openeing light as hell. So my opers would be like 722, 585, 534 as of right now. If that give you any idea of my game plan. But thanks for the boost bro! I can use all the encouragement i can get.
When is your next meet?
Oh ya what numbers are elite for 242lbs. It snot the qualifing totals for the WPO is it? Those changed recently. Isnt there another number for becoming elite? I figured a reality is i wont get what i am capable of. Its just the way it is but i would like to at least get elite as a miniumum. Anyone know what it is?