you should get some progress pics from before and after the high volume legs, I would like to see how well 100rep dropsets work for quads lol. Dont you find it damages your squat strength?
do you do a similar style of training for hams too? I thought that would be hard as hamstring exercises are so limited: GM, RDL/SLDL, GHR, variations of Leg curls...
No impact on squats. I do them first. I hit squats today, followed by constant tension front squats, leg press death sets, then a finisher with somersault squats.
I don't really do any special ham training. Deads followed by 3-4 high rep sets of GMs, followed by leg curls with a focus on a slow controlled eccentric and a squeeze at contraction.
My legs are pretty weak looking considering I've built my way back up to a 405 squat and a 500 pound DL. I'm thinking the volume and splitting hams/quads up is going to change that.
I'll snap a pic before I start my new training cycle after I come back from vacation, then again 8 weeks or so later. I'll post them in your control panel and make sure my junk is visible in the picture