Try this for a couple weeks and let me know if you make any gains.
2 sets Weighted dips with a weight you can get 5 reps with. 3-5 minute rest between sets. Next drop weight, likely just body weight will be fine, and do sets of 5 reps, stop at 5 even if you can do more but only rest 30 seconds between sets. Keep going until you cant get 5 reps. If you get 6-7+ sets then next workout make sure to add a little weight. The goal is to keep doing sets until you cant get 5 reps then your done with dips.
Next do close grip bench same methodology as above, 2 sets for 5 reps, long rest periods followed by as many sets of 5 as you can do with 80% of your 1 rep max with only a 30 ssecond rest between sets.