New member
I have been reading the board on and off for about a year once I decided I wanted to start working out. When the clock struck midnight 2006, I signed up for eight triathlon races, I figured it would get me motivated. It has, I only have 1 Olympic distance race this left this year. As a novice, I placed 2nd in my first race. 1st place in my next 4 races, and 2nd in my only age group race. My strength is swimming. My greatest moment was winning 1st novice by 20 minutes in May, racing a Half Ironman. 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. My time for the half was 6hr 2 min. Next season I will be racing in age group. I'm pleased with my first season, but know that I have to work harder to do well in age group.
My season is winding down and I'd like to build more muscle. I'm also thinking about studying for the ACE personal trainer program and becoming certified. I'm a bit burnt out with triathlon racing. Maybe eight was too many my first season?
I have read many posts about less cardio equals more muscle gains. Here is my current training schedule. Is it possible for me to put on muscle with all this cardio?
I ride my bike over five hours a week- 60-80 miles
I run four hours a week-20-30 miles
I swim 6,000 yards per week
Here is my weight lifting schedule:
Incline Bench Press (3 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar, 12xbar
Dumbbell Chest Fly's (3 sets) 12x20lbs, 10x20lbs, 8x20lbs
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets) 12x20lbs, 10x20lbs, 8x20lbs, 8x20lbs
Peck Deck Machine (5 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x20lbs, 12x20lbs
Chest Press Machine (3 sets) 8x60lbs, 10x55lbs, 10x55lbs
Tri's Standing Cable Pushdowns (3 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x30lbs, 12x30lbs
Skullcrushers (3 sets) 12xEZ bar, 12xEZ bar, 12x EZ bar
Dumbbell Donkey Kickbacks (3 sets) 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs
Seated Press (3 sets) 12x90lbs, 12x100lbs, 12x100lbs
Assisted Dip Machine (5 sets) 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs, 12x45lbs, 12x45lbs, 10x40lbs
Legs and ABs(Tuesday)
Leg Extensions (2 sets Warm-up) 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs
Squats (5 sets) 12xbar+50, 12xbar+50, 12xbar+60, 12xbar+60, 12xbar+70
Sled 45 degree Lying Leg Press (4 sets) 12x90lbs, 12x90lbs, 12x110lbs, 12x110lbs
Leg Extensions (3 sets) 12x70lbs, 12x75lbs, 12x80lbs
High Step Ups (4 sets) 12x(2)15lb dumbbells, 16x(2)15lb dumbbells, 20x(2)15lb dumbbells, 20x(2)15lb dumbbells
Lying Leg Curls (3 sets) 12x40lbs, 12x45lbs, 12x45lbs
Straight Leg Dead Lifts (3 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar+20, 12xbar+20
Adductor (3 sets) 12x80lbs, 12x90lbs, 12x100lbs
Abductor (3 sets) 12x80lbs, 12x90lbs, 12x90lbs
Lat Pulldowns (4 sets) 12x65lbs, 12x80lbs, 12x85lbs, 12x90lbs
Bent Over Rows (4 sets) 12xbar+10, 12xbar+10, 12xbar+20, 12xbar+20
T-Bar Rows (3 sets) 12x65lbs, 12x70lbs, 12x70lbs
Dumbbell One Arm Rows (3 sets) 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs
Assisted Pull-up (3 sets) 12x60lbs, 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs
Standing Olympic Bar Curls (4 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar, 12xbar+10, 12xbar+10
Seated Dumbbell "Arnold" Curls (4 sets) 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs, 12x20lbs, 12x20lbs
Preacher Curls (3 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x40lbs, 12x35lbs
I do a four day split rountine, so this week, I'd end Friday with chest and tri's again. I'd like my legs to have more definition. I'd like to have that teardrop quad. I'm not sure how to acheive that, lifting heavier weights?
I've also starting changing my diet and trying to eat more protein. I was very good logging my foods for a few days.
Since I've cut back on carbs, I think my endurance has suffered. I need to consume carbs during long rides or runs or I bonk.
I guess my question is, can I be a fast triathlete and be super cut too? Here's what we got to work with.
I am not so good at posing for muscle pictures either!
I have been reading the board on and off for about a year once I decided I wanted to start working out. When the clock struck midnight 2006, I signed up for eight triathlon races, I figured it would get me motivated. It has, I only have 1 Olympic distance race this left this year. As a novice, I placed 2nd in my first race. 1st place in my next 4 races, and 2nd in my only age group race. My strength is swimming. My greatest moment was winning 1st novice by 20 minutes in May, racing a Half Ironman. 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. My time for the half was 6hr 2 min. Next season I will be racing in age group. I'm pleased with my first season, but know that I have to work harder to do well in age group.
My season is winding down and I'd like to build more muscle. I'm also thinking about studying for the ACE personal trainer program and becoming certified. I'm a bit burnt out with triathlon racing. Maybe eight was too many my first season?
I have read many posts about less cardio equals more muscle gains. Here is my current training schedule. Is it possible for me to put on muscle with all this cardio?
I ride my bike over five hours a week- 60-80 miles
I run four hours a week-20-30 miles
I swim 6,000 yards per week
Here is my weight lifting schedule:
Incline Bench Press (3 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar, 12xbar
Dumbbell Chest Fly's (3 sets) 12x20lbs, 10x20lbs, 8x20lbs
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets) 12x20lbs, 10x20lbs, 8x20lbs, 8x20lbs
Peck Deck Machine (5 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x20lbs, 12x20lbs
Chest Press Machine (3 sets) 8x60lbs, 10x55lbs, 10x55lbs
Tri's Standing Cable Pushdowns (3 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x30lbs, 12x30lbs
Skullcrushers (3 sets) 12xEZ bar, 12xEZ bar, 12x EZ bar
Dumbbell Donkey Kickbacks (3 sets) 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs
Seated Press (3 sets) 12x90lbs, 12x100lbs, 12x100lbs
Assisted Dip Machine (5 sets) 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs, 12x45lbs, 12x45lbs, 10x40lbs
Legs and ABs(Tuesday)
Leg Extensions (2 sets Warm-up) 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs
Squats (5 sets) 12xbar+50, 12xbar+50, 12xbar+60, 12xbar+60, 12xbar+70
Sled 45 degree Lying Leg Press (4 sets) 12x90lbs, 12x90lbs, 12x110lbs, 12x110lbs
Leg Extensions (3 sets) 12x70lbs, 12x75lbs, 12x80lbs
High Step Ups (4 sets) 12x(2)15lb dumbbells, 16x(2)15lb dumbbells, 20x(2)15lb dumbbells, 20x(2)15lb dumbbells
Lying Leg Curls (3 sets) 12x40lbs, 12x45lbs, 12x45lbs
Straight Leg Dead Lifts (3 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar+20, 12xbar+20
Adductor (3 sets) 12x80lbs, 12x90lbs, 12x100lbs
Abductor (3 sets) 12x80lbs, 12x90lbs, 12x90lbs
Lat Pulldowns (4 sets) 12x65lbs, 12x80lbs, 12x85lbs, 12x90lbs
Bent Over Rows (4 sets) 12xbar+10, 12xbar+10, 12xbar+20, 12xbar+20
T-Bar Rows (3 sets) 12x65lbs, 12x70lbs, 12x70lbs
Dumbbell One Arm Rows (3 sets) 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs
Assisted Pull-up (3 sets) 12x60lbs, 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs
Standing Olympic Bar Curls (4 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar, 12xbar+10, 12xbar+10
Seated Dumbbell "Arnold" Curls (4 sets) 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs, 12x20lbs, 12x20lbs
Preacher Curls (3 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x40lbs, 12x35lbs
I do a four day split rountine, so this week, I'd end Friday with chest and tri's again. I'd like my legs to have more definition. I'd like to have that teardrop quad. I'm not sure how to acheive that, lifting heavier weights?
I've also starting changing my diet and trying to eat more protein. I was very good logging my foods for a few days.
Since I've cut back on carbs, I think my endurance has suffered. I need to consume carbs during long rides or runs or I bonk.
I guess my question is, can I be a fast triathlete and be super cut too? Here's what we got to work with.
I am not so good at posing for muscle pictures either!