I started this workout on Mon, I was gonna start Jun 9th, but I was looking forward to it too much.......it can be followed by someone looking for strength and size, but it promotes the total package: srength, size, speed, quickness, explosion, power, and I'd say above all else, functional strength.......I'd recommend it for any athlete. Doing the clean and snatch pulls before the clean and snatch themselves helps your timing and form, and whatever stiffness you have lingering from the previous day is wiped out after the warm-up.
Also, this is for an active athlete. To avoidness too much soreness, do something on your days for active recovery. Run, sprint, swim, play basketball, stretch, use some bands, some dinosaur stuff......DO NOT spend your off days laying on the couch eating ice cream, sleeping, and playing video games. You'll be stiff as a board if you do. Even while watching TV, stretch, try to do a split, touch your toes, do SOMETHING.