Thanks for the workout Iron, it's printed out and I'm ready to go at it June 9th. No-No squats are great, they separate the men from the boys. I was just wondering 2 things: I'm not sure what a towel press or a drop squat is. Other than that, everything is crystal clear. Once I start I will post my progress, as well as take some training pics to post to 'legitimize' my numbers posted.
Today I weighed 262lbs, I'm somewhere between 5'11" and 6'. I wouldn't mind walking around in the 275-280 range for a while, so we'll see how it goes.
Oh, one more the single leg squat performed with just bodyweight as in the clip in Spatt's sticky, or is it with a barbell? I've done both in the past as was just wondering what you used in this routine.