alien amp pharm
TC2 said:I dont even joke with women (even though they make all kind of sexual comments to/about me).
I've seen 2 guys seperate occasions get fired for joking around with the same women they've joked with for years.
Same types of comments and jokes with the same women...say it to them on the wrong day and bam your fired so fast your head will spin.
Men dont even get a chance to defend themselves either...what...he sexually harassed you??...bam you're fired.
That's because the law almost favors women without question. Just take a look at divorce/child custody, accusations of rape, and this topic of sexual harrassment.
And I disagree with what heatherrae wrote about "you have to know your woman before you say something" because women will turn on you in a heartbeat if they gain something from it.
A buddy of mine who is 30 years old was applying for an upgraded government position at his job. He was well qualified and had been preparing for it for a long time. Two very old, fat women whom he had worked with for years heard of this and filed a complaint against him (a ficticous one) and one of them ended up taking the job instead because in her own words "I want this job therefore I am taking it".