feelings of malaise....
what is that exactly?
so core..did i have too much?
Malaise : an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness
Did i have too much? That is an extremely difficult question to answer.
I have watched big lads scarf down 24 eggs whites at a sitting. Others tell me they have eaten protein to the point of vomiting, under the illusion that it will turn into muscle. Plain dumb! If you eat enough excess of protein to grow a hippopotamus, then thats what youll become, a roly-poly lump witha burgeoning rump.
So, even if you train your brains out, dont fall for the muscle mania myth that you need to stuff protein
ad nauseum. Despite magazine ads claiming 25 lbs of solid muscle in 12 weeks, most athletes furiously pumping the iron, and on the best nutrition, gain less than 10 lbs a year. The best I have seen in drug-free athletes is 18.25 lbs.
Remember the principle of
physiological dynamics. You have to wait on Nature to grow muscle. Muscle proteins are replaced about every siz months. The limiting rate of turnover of muscle cells indicates that it is impossible, even in the biggest men, to grow more than about
one ounce of new muscle per day. Thats 23 lbs a year. Oh, you can use all sorts of tricks to make muscles hold more water and
look bigger, but growth of new muscle
tissue is absolutely controlled by physiology.
Lets be generous and set the maximum one-year gain at 25 lbs of new muscle. Thats less than half-a-pound a week, about an ounce a day. Human muslce is only 22% protein, so the maximum amount of new muscle most folk can grown in a day, requires less than a quarter-of-an-ounce additional protein to grow it - about a tablespoon. Athletes do need quite a bit of extra protein, but most of it is used to combat protein losses caused by training and protein used for energy. For the protein required for new muslce
structure, you can grow Tarzan from a tablespoon a day.
Anyways, If you dont have any lower back pain I wouldnt worry to much about it.