Wk 1 Day 2
BW after workout = 193
Damn I forgot how hard these Wednesday's are in the volume phase. Plus it was pretty warm today so that added to the misery
Box squats
Warmup to 185 x 5 x 5
Box is slightly below parallel. I like them even though I was getting tired around 4th set, and 5 reps really seems like a lot on these.
Note #1: what's up with people doing the 'chicken wing' laterial raises
right next to the squat rack?
Dead (sumo)
Warmup to 275 x 5 x 5
Last cycle I started at 225, but since I finished at 315 5RM last time I thought I'd start higher. Felt good but this is where the heat started getting to me.
Note #2: is there any reason whatsoever to wear those wrap around sunglasses in the gym while working out? Maybe this guy just had lasiks or something but in combination with the slicked back hair and lifting belt while doing dumbell curls it made me suspicious.
Push Press
Warmup to 95 x 5 x 5
Easy, I could've done strict military these but I wanted to be consistent with my form thorughout the program.
10 x 5 x 5
Should've been easy but the last reps on sets 4-5 were hard. Only got to my nose or so.
Note #3: Two guys were doing lat pulldowns with almost the whole stack and one guy would have to help yank the bar down while the other guy was doing his 3" ROM (including body rock) sets. And then at the end it would fling the guy up out of his seat.
Note #4: I need to stop looking around and concentrate on myself