Goddamn piece of shit econ test, prob didn't pass so I prob can't pass the fucking class and I studied for the fucker too...mother fucker Im also on 3 1/2 hours of sleep yet again
Any day you can breathe, see, hear, feel, etc is a good day. Live in the moment, let the past be the past, your test is done, fuck it, go smoke a bowl. peace
Yea I know its over, fuck it but if I got an F im getting an F in the class....Just hit something sticking myself lol but fuck that too, fuck everything
I try to follow that qute, its something Id like to be able to do and work at it, thats why its there
You are having a bad day cause of the negative shit you said about Sabbath... this continues throughout life until you admit that Led Zepplin is for 6th graders who just learned to smoke.
You are having a bad day cause of the negative shit you said about Sabbath... this continues throughout life until you admit that Led Zepplin is for 6th graders who just learned to smoke.
lol soup? whos got soe soup for me? that might make me fel better indeed...I think King Austin is done with, I don't think I have a queen anymore (me thinks I scared mine away ) and the other royal couple are done so it'd be me myself and I, nope Austin the peasant is more like it