Currently, 19 y/o - 6'0 - 230 - 18.5 inch arms pumped - no recent martial arts experiance other than hitting a punching bag a few times a week.
6 months - get arms to 19 inches pumped, lower bodyfat so I can see faint abs, start muay thai training and have at leaste one ring fight.
12 months- beef legs up, get arms to 20 inches pumped, weigh in at around 240 with faint abs, improve all lifts esp bench, squat, deads, shoulder press, get first tatoo. Head to thailand and possibly turn to the darkside for 3 months and see how I respond to juice, train at a muay thai gym and have some ring fights.
24 months- weigh in at 245-250 start to study some mixed martial arts like ju-jitsu etc....
5 years- weigh in at 255- 265 hopefully naturally, fight in K1 japan and win some serious prize money.
6 years- WWE superstar....(ok im dreaming)