LoL, I am just imagining SS and Smurfy asking that question, but instead saying it like some south african -blaque-... Brotha named WhistleBritches... I mean could a name/moniker be any whiter?
Greek women are hawt... yes?
She is not the girl you want. Months into the relationship I'm sure there would be trust issues. And 2-1 she will be doing the samething she did to you with another guy.
We all want strong bodies women who are good looking and tall. Those are called models and it's in your best interest to stay away. Also if her handbag cost more than her car, RUN!
Use the internet to your advantage, join some dating sites. Put yourself out there.
She is not the girl you want. Months into the relationship I'm sure there would be trust issues. And 2-1 she will be doing the samething she did to you with another guy.
We all want strong bodies women who are good looking and tall. Those are called models and it's in your best interest to stay away. Also if her handbag cost more than her car, RUN!
Use the internet to your advantage, join some dating sites. Put yourself out there.
He's got the right idea. You need a nice chick. They're not all ugly and fat either. Besides, the only thing that matters is your perception of her. You'd be surprised how easy a 7 with a bangin personality becomes a 10.
Honestly Just replace the word "War" in the scene with something associated with this Post and replace the pictures with Women and Men playing games with one another: