I think I was 17, had this girl in my room. we had been flirting at a party all night, both of us were really drunk. We both ended up naked in my bed, she had huge fuckin tits so I'm thinking this is gonna be a lot of fun. She was strokin my dick while I sucked on her tits. Tried to slide it in, she was so tight there was no gettin it in so she decides to go down on me for a while to wet my cock. Tried and tried after she was done giving me head but still could not get it in (both of us having a BAL of .26 didn't help here). ANyway we give up after a while so I get up to take a piss and find she left a huge wad of freshenup gum in my bush. Can't pull it out so I have to get out the razor at 3:00am, drunk and cut the shit out of my bush. dangerous proposition, ended up nicking my sack which as I found out bleeds as bad as your scalp when your drunk
the next weekend (when we were sober) the sex definitely lived up to my expectations

the next weekend (when we were sober) the sex definitely lived up to my expectations