mustang_00 said:
have you ever gotten a blowjob were the girl only uses her lips??? what the hell is that about??
JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST I ALMOST FORGOT! Not that Im glad I remembered or anything... cause this was a HUGE letdown!
Im in college... my freshman year. I met this girl in August. We all had to report for freshman camp for 2 weeks before the veterans showed up. Well one night after practice, a bunch of us are tired and we are down in the dorm lobby just watchin TV when this group of girls comes in and starts bullshittin with a few of us. They were all members of the track team, and all from Canada. 3 of them were pretty fuckin hot, including the one this story is going to be about.
This girl had everything I was looking for in a woman. She had a great body, was really cool, and on top of that she was an athlete which is a major plus for me. It was also known that she was a virgin, so I really didnt even try too much just cause I didnt feel like dealing with the drama involved with all that, or putting out the effort needed to seal the deal.
Anyway... that semester I spent my time with other women, but always wanted to hook up with this girl. At the end of the semester after the season was over, the team rented out this building which is on a small pond on campus for a huge football-party which we pretty much did every year. Her and her friends ended up coming out to the party and she got so trashed.
(I just about stopped typing this shit out, because I really wish I had forgotten this night for good! lol)
Anyway, were at the party and she starts hittin on me really hard. We leave the party... I end up having to pull over on the way so she can throw up! And she throws the door open before I get stopped and she roasts my car door on a sign and dents my shit up so bad...
We get to my place and im thinkin, thank god... were finally here and im about to put the hurtin on this bitch. We get in bed, and we start foolin around. We get naked and shes on top of me. EVERY time my dick gets near her, she moves in a different position to keep it where theres no chance in hell I can slide it in. So Im finally like fuck this, im gonna drive her wild enough that she cant go without it... I go down on her and I really really get her goin, and I just blatently stop before she gets there. No way in hell im gonna hook her up before im sure Im gonna get some
So she goes to return the favor and goes down on me. Oh, My, Fucking, God. I never knew that head this bad was possible. Seriously. This bitch (now, i will give her credit... she was a virgin and obviously had no clue, but jesus fuckin christ... c`mon!) she started yanking my dick... yes YANKING! No sliding, no gentle caressing... YANKING my cock. She barely put it in her mouth and only made lip contact, then would pull it away and yank on it so hard over and over... maybe she mistook my writhing in pain for pleasure, fuck if I know.
And this girls body was soooo tight. It was like having the biggest, best wrapped Christmas present in your life... and you open it up to find a pair of used socks. SUCH a fuckin let down. I just had her stop, and let her pass out. I woke up the next day praying to god it was a bad dream, but the aching in my fuckin nuts wouldnt let me forget... not to mention I woke up with her still next to me. Did I forget to tell you all that she didnt groom AT ALL down there? I hope some man got ahold of her and taught her well, cause I know I damn sure didnt have that kinda patience that night.
Id have to say that night was the worst sexual experience I ever had. At least with my other example we had sex and both of us got off... this one had no kind of positives involved anywhere to be seen, and all I got to show for it was a bad case of blue balls and a dented up car door