Good luck with it Irish. I hope its the key to yoru benching. I told Jimmie Dean that , that style of benching was next for us to try. I do wanna talk to you on the phone about it. I got guestions for you. Later bro
Good luck with it Irish. Sounds like you are fired up and you are gonna make this work.
It was interesting to see the Vince includes raw bench in his training.
You said you used to bench wide like a bodybuilder (or something similar). I know that you now bench with a wide grip. Could you describe the difference between your current wide bench and what you did previously? Figured it would be good for beginners to read..........
Sure. When I went wide before, my grip was NOT as wide as it is now, and the bar descended to the upper chest, elbows remaining wide and under the bar.
Now, my grip is wider, but I bench DOWN to the sternum (not OUT to the chest).
In one case I lowered the bar with my elbows wide, in the other case, only my GRIP is wide.
I have thought about doing a little something for the rotators everyday. I have gotten lots of conflicting info about how often to train them. I guess is all trial and error.
Ok, thats sort of what I do. Sunday/Wednesday I will train the rotators with 3-4 exercises. Monday/Friday i do one exercise, without straining much.....just for recovery. Seems to be helping.
Do you have the book The 7 Minute Rotator Cuff? I have been trying to find it, but its out of print.
A little illustration of BB bench vs PL bench. BB has no leg drive, no tuck, out wide, etc...all designed to isolate the pecs. The PL bench involves very little pec. It descends to the sternum, and uses the tris/lats/shoulders to move it. Shoulder blades together, heels driving the upper body into the bench.