Hellllllo, ladies!
LONGEST POST EVER but it took me forever to type it all and get it caught up! Please read me!
I just wanted to share this image that I saw on Bunz's MySpace because it cracks my shit up and it's so me:
Hilarious -- I can't give up my fruity avi just yet, though -- I'm too attached!
T-Cake's SUPER MEGA Update
Three days to write about... Friday/Saturday/Sunday
Friday, January 26, 2007
Biceps & Triceps
Bar Curl (Goal: Sets of 8 with more weight)
1. 50# curl bar x 10
2. x 10
3. x 8,
POWER DOWN DS 40# bar x 6
Exceeded my goal on this one! I've never done 3 sets with 50# before!
Skull Crushers (Goal: Sets of 12)
40# curl bar x 3 sets x 12
Aiming for sets of 15 next
Standing DB Curl (Goal: All with 30# dbs --> LOFTY!)
DS 30#dbs x 2, 25# dbs x 10
2. 25# x 10
3. same as 2 -->
I figure I'll keep attempting to pick up those 30s until one day it'll just happen -- RIGHT?!
Tricep Rope Pull (Goal: Sets of 12 or HIGHER weight)
45# "heavy" setting x 12, x 11, x 10
All 45# was an increase from last time; not bad!
Crapload of Ab Work and Random Schtuff
3 x 15 ea side oblique dips with 45# plate
2 x 25 declined situps with 25# plate on chest
1 set military pushups x 10, 1 set modified pushups x 11
2 x 10 lower leg drops with ab ball between feet
1 x 20 mat crunches
Since I did upper body Friday... I decided to work legs on Saturday...
Saturday, January 27, 2006
Lower Body
NEW GOAL: Ulter feels my legs are too big at this point and it's time to cut 'em up, so all my sets today are aimed to find what weights work best for 20 reps. Dear Lord, I had NO IDEA what I was about to feel...
Leg Press (Last max weight: 145#)
1. 90# x 20
2. 110# x 20
3. 115# x 20
To quote my gym log... "Holy shit."
Good Mornings (These I'll keep volume weight, NOT 20 reps!)
1. squat rack bar + 40# x 12
2. squat rack bar + 45# x 10
3. same as 2
Next time I'll do all 3 sets with 45#
Dead Lifts (Last max weight: 75# on the squat bar)
1. bar + 65# x 15
Dropped weight lower so I can get to 20...
2. bar + 50# x 20
3. same as 2
Training log reads "SUCKS" in big letters
Prone Leg Curls (Last max weight: 70#)
40# x 20 x 3 sets
I'll add a set with 45# next
Leg Extensions (Last max weight: 55# each leg)
1. 40# each leg x 16
2. 35# each leg x 20
3. same as 2
Seated Calve Raises (Last max weight: 105#)
1. 45# x 20
2. 50# x 20
3. same as 2
This workout KICKED MY ASS. Fo' shizzle... I mean, total total burn. So now I'm just imagining the intermuscular fat burning away as I'm dying through these sets... I hope this works!
Back to upper body on Sunday...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Shoulder Press (Goal: Get a set with 35#)
WU: 25# Smith machine x 8
1. 30# x 10
2. same as 1
3. 35# x 8
Made it!
Upright Row @ Squat Rack (Goal: sets of 12 or all 25# sets)
1. squat bar + 20# x 12
2. squat bar + 25# x 10
3. x 9
Same goal for next time
DB Lateral Raises (Goal: 3 sets with 20# dbs)
1. 20# dbs x 8,
DS 15# dbs x 8
2. same
3. same
Made the goal and then some!
DB Rear Delt Row (Goal: All sets of 10)
1. 40# sdb x 10 each arm
2. 45# sdb x 10 each arm
3. same as 2
HARD... but made it
Incline DB Compound Press for Lat Delts (Goal: Sets of 12 or 20# dbs)
1. 15# dbs x 10
2. 20# dbs x 8
3. 20# dbs x 6
Might do some of these Tuesday because I felt like I slacked here; I was too preoccupied with making a spin class on time
Cardio for those 3 days:
Friday: 70 minute cardio circuit (Precor, rowing, stairmill)
Saturday: 45 minute circuit
Ok MAD because I was the first name signed in on the cycle class list for the noon class... I walked in AT 11:58 because I was lifting... all the bikes were gone. I didn't get one... so I had to do a circuit AGAIN
50 minute cardio circuit
No weights