New member
I am talking about strength. If you bothered to read a physiology book and learned the dynamics of a punch, how muscles are recruited to apply force and explosiveness you would probably have a better idea of how strength has lots of carry over. You know those people I listed? They have degrees in physiology related fields like sports science and kienseology.
Obviously the guy that sqats often will just be better at squating due to neurological adaptation, which has little to no carry over whatsover except to squating.
Anyhow- This topic is way off topic. He was wanting strength with little to no size gain. It was nothing about boxing except I used it as an example.
You can convince yourself all you want that strength has no carry over in any form of combat sport, or just not in boxing- it really doesn't matter. You can go box your heart out and be a weak ass pussy that will get his ass K'Oed by somebody that took some of the top strength trainers advice and implemented a weight lifting program into his routine when you didn't.
I provided links to people with way more knowledge on this subject than yourself, links you were too damn good to read, links which the guy I posted em for DID read. I guess I gave the more convincing argument and I am in no way interested in trying to convince you otherwise. It is like arguing with a creationist with a bible shoved up their ass- No amount of evidence will sway their OPINION, because they are not interested in even looking at the evidence.
Get over yourself. Untill you read my links, and provide an arugument against them, you're not worth responding to.
Obviously the guy that sqats often will just be better at squating due to neurological adaptation, which has little to no carry over whatsover except to squating.
Anyhow- This topic is way off topic. He was wanting strength with little to no size gain. It was nothing about boxing except I used it as an example.
You can convince yourself all you want that strength has no carry over in any form of combat sport, or just not in boxing- it really doesn't matter. You can go box your heart out and be a weak ass pussy that will get his ass K'Oed by somebody that took some of the top strength trainers advice and implemented a weight lifting program into his routine when you didn't.
I provided links to people with way more knowledge on this subject than yourself, links you were too damn good to read, links which the guy I posted em for DID read. I guess I gave the more convincing argument and I am in no way interested in trying to convince you otherwise. It is like arguing with a creationist with a bible shoved up their ass- No amount of evidence will sway their OPINION, because they are not interested in even looking at the evidence.
Get over yourself. Untill you read my links, and provide an arugument against them, you're not worth responding to.