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Storming back to fitness in the Sonoran desert.


New member
Hello, everyone. This is going to be my journal of using a few OTC research compounds to assist in getting back into the shape of my youth. I'll post some stats and my intended cycle in a bit, but first a few things about me so I can kind of set the stage and make sure everyone understands where I'm coming from and how to best assist me (if ya'll are so inclined).

First - let's just get this on the table - I am a TOTAL noob. I've never done a single anabolic cycle (which is one reason I've chosen the cycle I have below). I've spent the past 6 weeks or so lurking on various forums, learning what I could, so I hope I'm semi-informed, but let's be honest - it's almost like learning a new dialect, there's so many abbreviations, slang terms, etc. So if you notice I'm doing something stupid/wrong/unusual, PLEASE tell me! The odds are that I misunderstood/overlooked something.

OK, about me personally. I'm an army vet, proud member of the 82nd Airborne Division, did a few tours in various places...yada yada. In my youth I was in great shape; at my peak I was 6'2", 220 lbs, and according to the body-fat measuring electronic scale had a BF % of between 10 - 12%. Being ripped in the army for me was actually quite easy - my barracks were right across the street from an on-post gym, so after final formation me and my buddy would walk across the street and lift for a couple hours every day. This doesn't include the daily PT stuff like running, push-ups, etc, and the chow halls feed you well. I never used any juice per se, but the PX had plenty of creatine and andro and ephedra...those are the only three supplements I've ever used so far. I ended up having a bad jump, tore my knees apart and broke a lot of bones, and *poof* went my military career. So I took the GI Bill, got my degree, and now I'm fairly successful in my field (science/engineering). But, having gotten married, had 2 kids, expecting the third, an office job...I am no longer in the greatest shape. I'm not slovenly by any means, but I'm not at my best.

My stats:

Age: 36
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 213 lbs
Body Fat: 28.2% Yeah, I know :( I have a beer belly
Diet: My diet is actually pretty good, with one exception; I LOVE beer. I'm a connoisseur, and can go through a six pack a night, I love it that much. No other alcohol really does it for me, but beer...jesus god, how could you NOT love beer? It's like God came in a bottle and stirred it up with a unicorn's horn. Anyhow, obviously for this to work I am giving up the beer. My diet will be 50/30/20 protein/carbs/fats. I don't eat red meat or pork, so protein will primarily come from chicken, fish, and shakes.
Experience level: non-existent.

OK, so, here's my plan...I don't think I'm ready for testosterone or anything like that yet. I just don't have a firm enough grip on all the side effects, downs, ups, post-cycle treatments, etc. So I'm going with the following plan - all of the stuff is on order, but nothing's arrived yet; I expect it toward the end of the week beginning of next week:

Liquid Clen 30mL 200mcg/mL
Liquid Keto 30mL 1mg/mL
L-Taurine 100 capsules (500mg)
GW-501516, 30 ml 5.0mg/ml
MK-2866, 30 ml 50mg/ml

Week 1:
Start at 40mg/day Clen in the morning, increase by 20mg/day until the shakes are uncomfortable, then dial back 20mg. So something like this: 20/40/60/80/100/80, then leave it at 80.
1 capsule per day L-Taurine
5 mg GW-501516 in the morning
25 mg MK-2866 in the morning

Week 2:
Same as above but add 1 mg Kat before bedtime to keep the clen working.

This will go on for weeks 2 - 5. Week 6 I will gradually dose-down the clen. Based on what I've read so far, there should be no need for a PCT after this cycle.

Exercise plan: 3 days a week lifting, 2 days a week cardio, 2 days off. I believe in the importance of rest days.

Mon: Chest/Triceps, 90 minutes
Tue: 5 mile run
Wed: Back/Shoulders, 90 minutes
Thu: 60 minutes elliptical
Fri: Legs/Biceps, 90 minutes
Sat/Sun: Rest

I only use free weights and cables, no machines. I have a pool and go swimming with my kids every day before bed for ~ 30's actually pretty intense, I stay in the deep end and simply tread water while they try to dunk me. It's a good work-out on it's own. :)

So, there we go. My intent is not so much weight oriented as it is shape-oriented. I'm hoping to be able to go from a size 38 to a size 34, and get rid of the flab. Muscle weighs more than fat, so I could be thinner and still end weighing the same (or even gaining) and being happy with the results. That said, I anticipate at the end of the 6 week cycle, I will probably be a size 34 and weigh around 200 lbs, assuming I'm disciplined and stick to the plan, and no beer.

So, there we go. What are ya'lls thoughts? Anything I'm doing wrong? Any other information you'd like me to share?

Thanks for welcoming me to your community.

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Hey bro, welcome to the journals section, good to see you keeping a log in here!

I gotta say, 10 months ago I was 242lbs and 29-30% bf. I dropped to 231lbs @ 12.5% bf with diet and exercise alone. I really feel clen isn't a good choice, I take it for asthma and anythin over 40mcg per day and I've got headaches and I'm sweating all over the place. I also can't stand it for 2 consecutive days .. Having said that I do seem rather sensitive to stims....

How long have you been back lifting? Only asking cos clen will give a certain amount of strength gains and if you've been away from the weights a while it might be an idea to train natty for a li'l while to strengthen your tendons ligaments and connective tissues before adding any "supps" of any kind.

Also, and this is just my opinion, do you like running? Cos IMO its not the best exercise for fat loss. Weight loss sure, you expend more energy than you take on and you'll lose weight, .. but it doesn't have to be running or any kind of cardio if you don't like it. Mass times distance equals energy required. Pushing heavy iron takes a lot of energy, gets the heart pumping and breathing harder but has the advantage of not pounding the joints so much and elevates your metabolism long after your workout has ended. On top of that, muscle burns fat all the time, 24/7 the more you have the more energy they require. :)
Hey bro, welcome to the journals section, good to see you keeping a log in here!

I gotta say, 10 months ago I was 242lbs and 29-30% bf. I dropped to 231lbs @ 12.5% bf with diet and exercise alone. I really feel clen isn't a good choice, I take it for asthma and anythin over 40mcg per day and I've got headaches and I'm sweating all over the place. I also can't stand it for 2 consecutive days .. Having said that I do seem rather sensitive to stims....

How long have you been back lifting? Only asking cos clen will give a certain amount of strength gains and if you've been away from the weights a while it might be an idea to train natty for a li'l while to strengthen your tendons ligaments and connective tissues before adding any "supps" of any kind.

Also, and this is just my opinion, do you like running? Cos IMO its not the best exercise for fat loss. Weight loss sure, you expend more energy than you take on and you'll lose weight, .. but it doesn't have to be running or any kind of cardio if you don't like it. Mass times distance equals energy required. Pushing heavy iron takes a lot of energy, gets the heart pumping and breathing harder but has the advantage of not pounding the joints so much and elevates your metabolism long after your workout has ended. On top of that, muscle burns fat all the time, 24/7 the more you have the more energy they require. :)

Hey Colstreamer, appreciate you stopping in.

Regarding Clen, one of the things I like about it is its synergy with the SARM to increase fat burning. I've been lifting for about 3 months now (purely natural), so my strength is there, but covered up by all the fat from my beer drinking :) Clen will also help with cutting (the vascular look, all that jazz). If I don't like the side effects though, I'll definitely remove it.

As far as running...I love to run. I'm not looking to be an olympian/body builder, so I don't actually mind if it removes/inhibits mass gain...but from my Army days I can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't run at least a little bit. I can't run every day any more because my knees are pretty shot relative to my age, but 5 miles a week is actually pretty light. Most of my cardio will come from swimming, and of course most fat burning comes from having a higher ratio of muscle to fat (passive fat burning for the win!)

Just me personally, I need some type of cardio exercise or I start to feel sluggish. Running, bike riding, swimming...something.
You're welcome always happy to help a fellow soldier (ex) even though you were a para (honestly, who jumps out of a perfectly good aircraft?? Lol!) enjoy the plat membership bro, it only lasts 7 days unfortunately :(

If you like running its all good I just see so many people thinking its the be all end all to losing fat. I too do a fair amount of cardio but that's cos I'm a kickboxer so my cardio is kicking/punching based :)
Today's update:

Got shipment notices on my products, my packages should arrive between the 21st and the 24th. So until then, I'm all natural, baby!

Lot of swimming yesterday, plus a 3 mile walk with my boys. I gotta say, my 4 year-old is a champ; he walks 3 miles for fun, never complains, in the scorching Arizona sun. He's gonna be a stud.

Giving up the beer has been easier than I thought. Without having any in the house, I simply don't think about it. Diet is dialed in. I'm down to 211.6lbs, 27.1% bodyfat. I'll be taking measurements twice a week, Mondays and Thursday, before bed.

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Just as an update, I use FitBit to track my weight/bodyfat %, activity, and food. If you haven't used them before, they're awesome. Anyhow, my dietary breakdown this week was 63% from carbs, 13% from fat and 24% from protein. Need to exchange protein for carbs, but the low fat is really good. Most of the carbs come from fruit/veggies and protein bars though, so it's not empty breads and starches.

Bro I've noticed weight and bf can vary throughout the day, you may get a little disappointed with your progress if you measure twice per week. I usually get my bf, weight, lung capacity etc checked every 2-4 weeks. Had it checked today in fact.

Nothing wrong with those macros IMO bro. I usually get a 33/33/33 (approx) macro split. Not ideal but I'm still leaning out. I think as long as your gettin enough protein for your muscles (1.5-2g per lb of bodyweight) and your total cals are slightly below maintenance you should drop fat. In fact, if you cut too much fat out of your diet your body will hold on to what it's got. Have a read of this if you haven't already. :)

And your boy sounds like a trooper! :)
Hey SS gr8 to have you here with us "serious" peeps in the Journals section!
I that CS has been looking in on you and believe me he has super advice.
Please do not continue to list your sources, thats kinda outside the rules, nuff said. I will take care of your posts above.
I do have a question for you, why that particular workout and how "married" to it are you? I may have an idea for you pending on your reply.
I have to congratulate you on your will power and effort in getting back to shape bro. Good for you!
Looking forward to following along with your in your journey with best regards.
Also forgot to mention this to you.
Do yourself a gr8 favor and go to your Dr. Ask for a standard physical and when you go in for it request a Full Male Panel Hormone Blood Test.
You may find that you are a candidate for TRT/HRT. Its nothing to be afraid of.
Im on it and I love it. And your at that age.....
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