I agree with ex banana-eater, the sports who probably abuse steroids the most are the ones not tested,. Even with the resources the pros have now and days steroid testing is very hard to get around at these levels. Baseball is implementing a testing program now so we will notice alot of changes in homeruns, pitching speed, etc.(this last year was a perfect example) Interesting enough is that basketball players are not tested as well. Personally I would have never thought basketball players juiced but a source of mine told me differently. This players stick to agents like winny, var, etc and combine it with HGH. Just think about how young players are that are the league now and days. Some dont finish growing until 4 years into the NBA. Imagine how much taller they could be if they added HGH during these years. Trust me they have the money and the connections to make it happen. These guys are juicing too.