Well guys I was definitely training too hard. That cardio was too much. And I wasn't even really losing any fat.
Been doing HIIT and already I feel much more energized. Less run down.
I kinda did like 3 rounds of HIIT spread out through a 2 hour 15 min session.
HIIT - Power cleans 12 sets, 135 lbs 5 reps: Do 5 reps, rest 20 seconds, immediately repeat until you've done 12 sets. SMOKED
Overhead Press: 95 x 5 / 115 x 4 / 105 x 5 / 100 x 5 / 100 x 5 / 95 x 5
HIIT- 5 rounds Kettlebell swings then 10 burpees, rest 15 seconds.
Kettlebell swings: 80 lbs x10/ 50 x 12 / 50 x 15 / 50 x 20 / 50 x 25
Burpees 10/10/10/10/10
Barbell Upright Row: 75 x 8 / 75 x 8 / 70 x 8 / 70 x 8
Seated Dumbell Press: 40 x 8 / 40 x 8 / 40 x 8 / 40 x 8
Face Pull: 32.5 x 10 / 32.5 x 10 / 32.5 x 8 / 32.5 x 8
Seated Lateral Raise: 15 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Barbell Shrug: 170 x 8 / 170 x 8 / 165 x8 / 165 x8
Dumbbell Shrug: 70 x 8 / 70 x 8 / 70 x 8 / 65 x 8
Sled Pushes, 12 intervals. 180 lbs on the sled, pushed for approximately 40 seconds, rested 20-30 seconds.