hey im nothin but a newbie and i know it, but i know that steriods wont do jack if you dont eat right. everyone talks and asks questions about this steriod and that steriod but hardly any respones get put up as to what is a soild diet. Everyone just says "with a soild diet you should get good gains" i guess part of knowing your shit before you start AS is knowing what a soild diet consists of. currently im 6'0 185lbs consuming around 3000 calories doing cardio 3 to 4 times a week in the morning. im doing a cycle of eq at 400mg and whinny 50mg ed. im not really getting significant gains, so whats left besides the diet? i train hard blasting one body part per week getting plenty of sleep. some people will say eat more, seeing that im only 185lbs but ive got the type of physique where i only hold fat in the gayest ass places aka my chest and stomach...so i really wanna cut up and gain a little lbm and do a bulking cycle next winter when i can where big ass sweaters. well any help with what in the hell is holding me back whould be appreciated. thanks this board has some of the coolest people around!