I cannot answer yes to any of your questions.
I cannot remember the last time I drank a protein drink.
Creatine gives me cramps. I tried it, despite reading that the Westside crew had tried it and hated it. Tried it, hated it, will never do it again.
Calories, don't give a shit. If I am going to be in the 242's as I am for my next meet. I eat more, and I eat stuff heavier in calories to get my weight up. If I am lifting in the 220's as I will in the contest one month after this one, then I will drop my carb intake down, eat more protein and salads, and keep an eye on the scale. Unless you are entering the olympia real soon, nutrition is highly over rated.
Flax, ALA, all that other shit, most of it I have never heard of. And unless the legal supplement market has changed dramatically in the last 5 years since I gave up on it, and I doubt that it has, then 99 percent of the crap they sell at GNC is a total waste of money. Buy ground beef and test instead.
I used to be eat up with keeping track of all that stuff, and I knew to the gram how much protein and fat and carbs I was taking in, I also took all the trendy new supps on the market, spending way more on that worthless crap than I ever have on juice, and I was way smaller, way weaker, and way dumber than I am now.
I am not shitting on your thread at all. But your idea of being serious won't cut it around strength athletes. Nobody in my crew could answer those questions yes, not even 1/3 of the questions. And you will not find a more serious group of guys about there training.
I have increased my bench and squat by over 150 lbs each in the last year. I had a house built with a room in it specifically designed for a home gym cause I was scaring the people at the YMCA with the amount of weight I was putting on the bar.
Think I am not serious about my training? Come stay with me for a week. Keep up with my 4 one hour training sessions, and my 6 to 8 General Physical Preparedness sessions per week, and do every rep, at the same weight I do them, then tell me who is serious about training.