Wait a sec, I though spatts was married to TheProject? I am so confused?
Anyway, when I met my husband he had an awesome physique. I was a 18 year old girl, with a nice 18 year old body. Never lifted a weight. He explained to me that this was part of his life,and that he would really like for me to try it. I was interested and thought, hey why not.
Well, I didn't like it. I hated in infact. Over the next 6 years it caused some problems. In the whole scheme of things it was always a little itty, bitty problem ontop of what most normal couples have to deal with.
Well we both went back to school and both of our body's suffered, badly!! After the wedding, we bought a home gym but we were lucky if we got down there 6 X a month. then all of a sudded we were having MCD's for dinner every other night.
I was sick of the way I looked, they way I felt, and most of all I didn't want my husband toughing me cause I was so ashamed. Even though he didn't look as good as he normally did, I was still embarrased. This made our relationship suffer.
Then one day something clicked in my brain. Every since 12/26/02 I have been on a non stop mission to get into shape. He saw my fire, and it resurected him. WE are now officially gym rats. WE close the place every night. I have since surpassed that 18 year old body and I am still striving to look better.
I think it's important for her to atleast try. And if she doesn't like it, then you owe it to yourself to keep going. Trust me, there are gonna be days when she looks at you and begs you to stay with her instead of the 1-2hours you devote to the gym. You will need her to understand that this IS your life. Just as you accept that she is not a gym person she WILL accept that you are. You can't slack on this!!!! If she will not change, then you shouldn't either.
I am a firm believer, that those who train together, stay together. But don't twist her arm over it.
If she does decide to try it, make it a very positive experience, and hopefully she will want to come back.
Just my two pennies. Now i'm done!