Hammer machine high pull downs
185/185/205/225 x 8 reps
Isolateral pulls owns ( body master machine) 2 plates(each side)/3 plates/3 plates/3 plates x 8 reps
Chin ups 4 sets eight body weight
Military dumbbell press
55/60/65/70/75 x 6 reps each set
Standing side laterals 20/20/20
X 15 reps
Front lateral raises with a 45 pound plate 3 sets 8 reps
1/2 cup buckwheat pancakes
Mixed with six egg whites instead of water spenda and light amount of natty pb on top ( weird but I love these)
7 ounces sirloin steak with can of asparagus
Sweet potato, eight ounces of yogurt mixed with chocolate whey.
7 ounces sirloin steak
Some 2 % cheese
Low carb tortilla
Two slices Ezekiel bread
Palm full of almonds as a snack when needed.
I will have
Carnivore, MRI war, creatine post workout. Working over till eleven am so will workout shortly after that.