Elite Mentor
4days lifting 8-12 rep each body part 3-5 exercise { i like do squats, deadlift, should press, push-up, leg press.. I like super sets}
3 days cardio 1HIIT 2 moderate
diet lean protein {egg whites, chicken breast, turkey breast}
lot of veggies { brocolli, zuchinni, string beans, lettuce...}
carbs { usually in the morning oatmeal or piece of WW bread}
I drink lot of coffee lol
Also I am on synthroid 200mcg and Armour 2 grains... I am hypothyroid
Now im on Adderall to 20mg daily.
Just so I am clear on what you are doing, are you doing a full body workout four times a week or is it something else?
When is the last time something in your workout changed? For example new exercises, increasing the weight?
Did you also have your thyroid (TSH) checked when you had your testosterone done?