Today is just the third day I've been taking the Shredder Stack from and I really want to thank Needto from the bottom of my heart(not gay) for the results so far. I know I know, it's only the third day Rick you cant be noticing that much. Look at this pic then compare it to the others posted at the beginning of the thread.
First thing. Hardness. So Today was a rough day. I ran out of foods....just a crap load of carbs to eat, and bad ones too. I didn't eat much about half what I should. I wasn't feeling well, I felt flat, and outta shape all day. I popped my before bed dosage about a hour ago. I happened to go the bathroom. I was thinking that how I felt would be how I looked. I really am blown away by how much harder and vascular I am in just three days. If you look at that pic you can see I got those veins comin up from the lower abs...about a month ago I had two (The two big ones) but what you couldn't see in the pic is like six new ones, and the one on the left goes almost up into my arm pit. I got a new set of veins on my right bicep with are gettin huge when working out that I've never had! I've even got one on the underside of my Tricep. I also am looking more lean and the striations are comin too! I had this post almost finished and put up like four hours ago but then it suddenly got I almost didn't put this up until I took that picture!!!
Here's what I did today (workout wise)
I got my Bodyfat % tested and my measurements taken. The official printout I'm waiting on via email...sorry..anyways I do have a question about this if someone could help me on it
I was calipered at 5 different spots, two of them sites used on women. The Tricep and the Illiac. I was also tested on the thigh, chest, and abdominals. Now with the five combined I tested at 14% which seemed really high. Do you guys think thats right lookin at the pic?.... If I went by just the three mens sites I came in at 9%. Can anybody tell me why the huge gap in % differential?
Back, Bi's, and Forearms (my favorite lifting day)
Narrow Grip Pulldown
#10X10reps@3 sets I went with a fast positive phase and a six second negative phase. This method I really liked! I got a great stretch and awesome pump from the second set! I also used this method on virtually all the rest of the lifts
#16X12reps@1set I used the rest pause method for the last set as well on the rest of the excersizes. This one a 8X3X1 for 12
Wide Grip Pulldown
#16X12Reps@1set I usually never am able to do this much weight without momentum and straps!
(now I usually leave this for the end of Back workout but I was afraid I was going to loose the station to someone and not get it back.
135X10reps@3 sets
225X10Reps@1set I felt awesome here so decided to keep it rollin!!!
275X8Reps@1set I was able to put this up relatively easy which is awesome cause my knee usually kaputs at this weight!
Dumbell Rows
50X10Reps@2sets Same positive and negative phase like on the narrow grip pulldowns
90X10Reps@2sets I haven't gone that high in a while
Seated incline dumbell curl
30X10reps@3sets I usually start with 25's and work my wy up to 35's
45X10Reps@1set Never had a pump like that!!!!
Cable curls/Cable Hammer Curl
#3X8/#3X8reps@3 sets
#6X8/#6X8reps@1 set I stand corrected...this was the best bicep pump ever!!!
Preacher curl
75X10@1set This was surprisingly easy
(That thing where you hang a weight from a pvc pipe and roll it up and down)
3 sets (Forearms burned and felt awesome)
well there you have it.
So far No sides other than funky ass dreams(that's a maybe too) hunger and serious hard veiny sex appeal. I had a guy today ask if I worked at the schools gym. My response was "No, Why?" "Cause you're FKN Ripped bro" was his answer.
Yep I was feelin good!!!
So again special thanks to you guys and your help (Sonic) big help there!!!
Today is just the third day I've been taking the Shredder Stack from and I really want to thank Needto from the bottom of my heart(not gay) for the results so far. I know I know, it's only the third day Rick you cant be noticing that much. Look at this pic then compare it to the others posted at the beginning of the thread.
First thing. Hardness. So Today was a rough day. I ran out of foods....just a crap load of carbs to eat, and bad ones too. I didn't eat much about half what I should. I wasn't feeling well, I felt flat, and outta shape all day. I popped my before bed dosage about a hour ago. I happened to go the bathroom. I was thinking that how I felt would be how I looked. I really am blown away by how much harder and vascular I am in just three days. If you look at that pic you can see I got those veins comin up from the lower abs...about a month ago I had two (The two big ones) but what you couldn't see in the pic is like six new ones, and the one on the left goes almost up into my arm pit. I got a new set of veins on my right bicep with are gettin huge when working out that I've never had! I've even got one on the underside of my Tricep. I also am looking more lean and the striations are comin too! I had this post almost finished and put up like four hours ago but then it suddenly got I almost didn't put this up until I took that picture!!!
Here's what I did today (workout wise)
I got my Bodyfat % tested and my measurements taken. The official printout I'm waiting on via email...sorry..anyways I do have a question about this if someone could help me on it
I was calipered at 5 different spots, two of them sites used on women. The Tricep and the Illiac. I was also tested on the thigh, chest, and abdominals. Now with the five combined I tested at 14% which seemed really high. Do you guys think thats right lookin at the pic?.... If I went by just the three mens sites I came in at 9%. Can anybody tell me why the huge gap in % differential?
Back, Bi's, and Forearms (my favorite lifting day)
Narrow Grip Pulldown
#10X10reps@3 sets I went with a fast positive phase and a six second negative phase. This method I really liked! I got a great stretch and awesome pump from the second set! I also used this method on virtually all the rest of the lifts
#16X12reps@1set I used the rest pause method for the last set as well on the rest of the excersizes. This one a 8X3X1 for 12
Wide Grip Pulldown
#16X12Reps@1set I usually never am able to do this much weight without momentum and straps!

135X10reps@3 sets
225X10Reps@1set I felt awesome here so decided to keep it rollin!!!
275X8Reps@1set I was able to put this up relatively easy which is awesome cause my knee usually kaputs at this weight!
Dumbell Rows
50X10Reps@2sets Same positive and negative phase like on the narrow grip pulldowns
90X10Reps@2sets I haven't gone that high in a while
Seated incline dumbell curl
30X10reps@3sets I usually start with 25's and work my wy up to 35's
45X10Reps@1set Never had a pump like that!!!!
Cable curls/Cable Hammer Curl
#3X8/#3X8reps@3 sets
#6X8/#6X8reps@1 set I stand corrected...this was the best bicep pump ever!!!
Preacher curl
75X10@1set This was surprisingly easy
(That thing where you hang a weight from a pvc pipe and roll it up and down)
3 sets (Forearms burned and felt awesome)
well there you have it.
So far No sides other than funky ass dreams(that's a maybe too) hunger and serious hard veiny sex appeal. I had a guy today ask if I worked at the schools gym. My response was "No, Why?" "Cause you're FKN Ripped bro" was his answer.
Yep I was feelin good!!!
So again special thanks to you guys and your help (Sonic) big help there!!!