Hey Guys Sorry I've missed some days so the next few posts will me trying to get you up to speed.
Monday 9/14/09
Today was a really good day. Since the seventh I started a minor carb deplete and refeed cycle. So on the Seventh I did the same formats of workouts and didn't change anything up on the diet other than just keeping my carbs at 50-80g a day. It wasn't that hard to do actually. I do find myself getting light headed and somewhat nautious though at times but not for very long. I also heard somewhere if you are in ketosis you will start getting some gnarly acid reflux, which I am. Can anyone confirm this or deny it? Anyways so I followed my Minor Deplete till friday night late, and then started the refeed. I didn't take in a boat load of carbs just about 500g by sunday. All clean carbs too. Lots of Green veggies still, but also some Yams, and Whole grain Bagels, and Some Whole Wheat pasta. So I limited my Water on saturday too down to about a half gallon that night and stopped my sodium that day. Needless to say I've never done any pre photo shoot prep(Which is why I am doing this) before, so it was all a little confusing at times trying to get all the prep right, but, That sunday morning I woke up LOOKING FUCKING JACKED!!! I SERIOUSLY LOOKED LIKE I PUT ON TEN POUNDS OF MUSCLE! I was also super vascular Had some ropes of a vein going up the sides of my abdomen. I was super dry and very very lean! Best I've ever looked hands down! I cant wait to do a full blown one for the photo shoot next week.
So up to speed today is monday I feel great from sunday and am really eager to smash some weights.
I also will be running some HIIT Swimming every morning leading up to the photos
Mondays workout is as follows
Back, Bi's, Traps, Calvs
Narrow Grip Pulldowns
#10X10@2sets as warm up sets
#16X18@1set I Know I've been getting strong but this is getting rediculous how quickly I recover and how long I can go for
#20(Max)X8@1set Yeah I couldn't get this up once three weeks ago. I really am getting alot stronger and I LIKE IT!
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Seated Machine Row
#10X10@2sets as a warm up
#16(Max)X16@4sets Man the pumps you get of Peast and Katana are just FKN Rediculous.
Reverse Cable Flys
#4X12@4sets This excersize is one of my favorites and I love the pumps you get from it!
Dead Lifts
135X16@2sets Really good warm up
225X10@2sets Man, I'm getting lower back pumps that pretty much stop me in my tracks. They are sooooooo freakin painfull.
Seated Incline Curl
30lbX20@2sets as a warm up. My personal favorite as far as Bicep excersizes go. Love love love the pumps you get from this one.
35X20@1set Whoo my arms felt like they were going to explode!!!
40X20@1set I cant beleive that I'm getting this weight up. 30lbs for six reps both arms was my max. Now I can do 50lbs for the same!
Standing Barbell Curl
I tried this one for the first time with one of those barbell braces you put on over your neck. I kinda liked it.
90lbX10@1set This kind of hurt my neck but I liked where it hit on my biceps. Good freakin pump too.
115X8@1set I definately am stronger in basically every muscle group! Getting a lot more definition from it as well.
Single Rope Reverse Curl
These are really good for that forearm lower bicep thickness
High Pulls
135X16@2sets I love these for my neck
Squat style calv raises
All in all a really good Workout. My friend Zant wasn't there for this one so I really had to push myself to lift hard and Fast. I'm tellin you though, The Shredder Stack really is one of the best thing to have ever happened to me. It's even helping my knees. Usually I cant touch my left one cause the patella hurts sooooo damn bad, but I can smack the thing now, and with no pain. I can do ATF squats with much heavier weight than I used to. I love that feeling.
Lets talk about some of the sides I've noticed up till now.
BP-MY heart races at night. It's kind of tough going to bed.
Dizzyness- Prolly due to the diet and the BP raise. I do get it quite a bit though. Plus When I drink water I can feel my head inflate quite a bit.
PUMPS-I love the pumps that I get when lifting, well most of them. As I said before the lower back pumps I get all the Fuckin time now and They are dibillitating. I cant Play basketball, or football cause I can barely run without getting such a huge pump in my legs I can barely walk.
Shut Down- I'm not shut down But I certainly don't think about chicks as much which I actually don't mind cause they are nothing but problems anyways.
Lethargy-I'm now starting to get this. Daily when I get done with work at two I have to take a nap pre workout
Sweating- It's pretty much stopped at this point. Even When Doing cardio.
Mood-I'm in a great mood all the time and I love it.
So I'm doing really well and am excited to finish off the last week of the cycle! I am looking forward to some mainenence diet too
Cutting sucks. I really want to thanks some guys that have helped me through this whole process. They have made me gain much more efficiently due to their help.
Needtogetaas-Major help all the time. Really good dude who takes time out of the day to say hi, and help me with lifting suggestions and problem areas of mine to help develop more symmetry. Thanks Big Man, seriously, thanks
SonicWaste- My Diet, Supplement Guru. This guy knows sooo much it's not even funny. I've talked to sonic a couple of times, and he's very giving of his time and really wants me to succeed which I really appreciate. Check this site out you Carb Cycler's www.holeydonuts.net Ultra Low Fat donuts perfect for carb refeeds. Courtesy of Sonic. Plus Sonic Has helped me tremendously getting ready for the Photo Shoot. Appreciate it Sonic.
Captain FT- Guys a stud with a good sense of humor, and has helped me out with PCT Info.
ConanX- Another guy who's helped me a lot with diet info, and good Ideas on my First Injectable cycle
Future-Our Resident Badass Trainer Extrodinare. Pre Photo shoot help which I really needed. Plus he also posts up killer diet and pre contest threads.
All of the Mods-I can honestly say it's a big over the internet kind of family cause of you guys. I love it.
Thanks to anyone I missed....I didn't mean to. Good luck with all of your personal goals mates!
Monday 9/14/09
Today was a really good day. Since the seventh I started a minor carb deplete and refeed cycle. So on the Seventh I did the same formats of workouts and didn't change anything up on the diet other than just keeping my carbs at 50-80g a day. It wasn't that hard to do actually. I do find myself getting light headed and somewhat nautious though at times but not for very long. I also heard somewhere if you are in ketosis you will start getting some gnarly acid reflux, which I am. Can anyone confirm this or deny it? Anyways so I followed my Minor Deplete till friday night late, and then started the refeed. I didn't take in a boat load of carbs just about 500g by sunday. All clean carbs too. Lots of Green veggies still, but also some Yams, and Whole grain Bagels, and Some Whole Wheat pasta. So I limited my Water on saturday too down to about a half gallon that night and stopped my sodium that day. Needless to say I've never done any pre photo shoot prep(Which is why I am doing this) before, so it was all a little confusing at times trying to get all the prep right, but, That sunday morning I woke up LOOKING FUCKING JACKED!!! I SERIOUSLY LOOKED LIKE I PUT ON TEN POUNDS OF MUSCLE! I was also super vascular Had some ropes of a vein going up the sides of my abdomen. I was super dry and very very lean! Best I've ever looked hands down! I cant wait to do a full blown one for the photo shoot next week.
So up to speed today is monday I feel great from sunday and am really eager to smash some weights.
I also will be running some HIIT Swimming every morning leading up to the photos
Mondays workout is as follows
Back, Bi's, Traps, Calvs
Narrow Grip Pulldowns
#10X10@2sets as warm up sets
#16X18@1set I Know I've been getting strong but this is getting rediculous how quickly I recover and how long I can go for
#20(Max)X8@1set Yeah I couldn't get this up once three weeks ago. I really am getting alot stronger and I LIKE IT!
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Seated Machine Row
#10X10@2sets as a warm up
#16(Max)X16@4sets Man the pumps you get of Peast and Katana are just FKN Rediculous.
Reverse Cable Flys
#4X12@4sets This excersize is one of my favorites and I love the pumps you get from it!
Dead Lifts
135X16@2sets Really good warm up
225X10@2sets Man, I'm getting lower back pumps that pretty much stop me in my tracks. They are sooooooo freakin painfull.
Seated Incline Curl
30lbX20@2sets as a warm up. My personal favorite as far as Bicep excersizes go. Love love love the pumps you get from this one.
35X20@1set Whoo my arms felt like they were going to explode!!!
40X20@1set I cant beleive that I'm getting this weight up. 30lbs for six reps both arms was my max. Now I can do 50lbs for the same!
Standing Barbell Curl
I tried this one for the first time with one of those barbell braces you put on over your neck. I kinda liked it.
90lbX10@1set This kind of hurt my neck but I liked where it hit on my biceps. Good freakin pump too.
115X8@1set I definately am stronger in basically every muscle group! Getting a lot more definition from it as well.
Single Rope Reverse Curl
These are really good for that forearm lower bicep thickness
High Pulls
135X16@2sets I love these for my neck
Squat style calv raises
All in all a really good Workout. My friend Zant wasn't there for this one so I really had to push myself to lift hard and Fast. I'm tellin you though, The Shredder Stack really is one of the best thing to have ever happened to me. It's even helping my knees. Usually I cant touch my left one cause the patella hurts sooooo damn bad, but I can smack the thing now, and with no pain. I can do ATF squats with much heavier weight than I used to. I love that feeling.
Lets talk about some of the sides I've noticed up till now.
BP-MY heart races at night. It's kind of tough going to bed.
Dizzyness- Prolly due to the diet and the BP raise. I do get it quite a bit though. Plus When I drink water I can feel my head inflate quite a bit.
PUMPS-I love the pumps that I get when lifting, well most of them. As I said before the lower back pumps I get all the Fuckin time now and They are dibillitating. I cant Play basketball, or football cause I can barely run without getting such a huge pump in my legs I can barely walk.
Shut Down- I'm not shut down But I certainly don't think about chicks as much which I actually don't mind cause they are nothing but problems anyways.
Lethargy-I'm now starting to get this. Daily when I get done with work at two I have to take a nap pre workout
Sweating- It's pretty much stopped at this point. Even When Doing cardio.
Mood-I'm in a great mood all the time and I love it.
So I'm doing really well and am excited to finish off the last week of the cycle! I am looking forward to some mainenence diet too

Needtogetaas-Major help all the time. Really good dude who takes time out of the day to say hi, and help me with lifting suggestions and problem areas of mine to help develop more symmetry. Thanks Big Man, seriously, thanks
SonicWaste- My Diet, Supplement Guru. This guy knows sooo much it's not even funny. I've talked to sonic a couple of times, and he's very giving of his time and really wants me to succeed which I really appreciate. Check this site out you Carb Cycler's www.holeydonuts.net Ultra Low Fat donuts perfect for carb refeeds. Courtesy of Sonic. Plus Sonic Has helped me tremendously getting ready for the Photo Shoot. Appreciate it Sonic.
Captain FT- Guys a stud with a good sense of humor, and has helped me out with PCT Info.
ConanX- Another guy who's helped me a lot with diet info, and good Ideas on my First Injectable cycle
Future-Our Resident Badass Trainer Extrodinare. Pre Photo shoot help which I really needed. Plus he also posts up killer diet and pre contest threads.
All of the Mods-I can honestly say it's a big over the internet kind of family cause of you guys. I love it.
Thanks to anyone I missed....I didn't mean to. Good luck with all of your personal goals mates!