Thanks crypto for the comment on the Video just saw you made it.
So Today was one killer day in the gym!!!
I've been slowly taking the carbs down to about sixty a day while mainting around a 3000 cal a day diet. I've been loving the results cause I'm really shedding up and I don't feel like I'm loosing muscle. In Fact I decided to have a sneak peek at the BF% before the cycle runs up next sunday. So When I first woke up I went into the gym and redid the test.
8.5 Beeeyooochezzzzz!!!! Whoo hoo!!! not only have I lost more BF But I'm also at 219lbs!!!! So I've lost .5%on body Fat but I've gone up 17lbs Give or take 5lbs of water cause I was damn dry when I went in! Can you beleive that 17lbs!!!! I'm sooooo fuckin stoked pardon my french....
I thought today I wanna lift hard. So I had a carb up day today to really put the plates up. Guess what Broke all my PR's AGAIN!!!! Here's the workout below.
Chest, Tri's, Traps, Forearms, Abs
Flat Barbell Bench 4 Working sets (not including warmups) 6-8 reps 3 min of rest between each set.
135X10@1set as a warm up
275X3@1set WHOO HOO!!!! The first two were pretty easy going up too! I don't really know how to explain how I feel. One day 3weeks ago I was in good lean shape, and here we are today 17lbs of pure muscle heavier and a whole lot stronger and People are really noticin. I'm not invisible and I like it!!!
225X8@2sets these were the workin sets
255X6@2sets Seriously I wouldn't have fathomed me doing this cause I could have put it up like another four reps. I'm amazed how quickly I can recoupe and go just as hard as the first set!!
Incline Cable Cross over
Flat Dumbell Bench Military style
80lbX8@1set These were easy. Seriously 20 reps would have been up with out a bead of sweat fallin from my brow.
90lbX8@1set Easy but running out of dumbells
100lbX8@1set I ran out of weight and could have put these up sixteen times if I needed to!
Narrow Grib Bench
135X10@1set as a warm up
185X8@1set I am almost positive this is 30lbs more then my PR on this same excersize.
Seated Cable Extensions with rope (I gotta give props to the big guy Cap FT with his one eyed Willy sock for this Idea
#8X8@4sets Man I got such a gnarly pump and stretch from these!! Thanks Captain FT!!! Dyaaaaarrrrrr you'd make a fine trainer indeeed....
Dumbell Shrug
100lbsX@3sets NEW PR BABY!!!
again the rope thing attached to a pvc pipe and there is a weight and the end.
10lbsX2cycles@5sets My forearms always feel like they are going to explode after this excersize.
Concentration crunches on decline bench
I do these with a 15lb medicine ball. The ball isn't needed but if you want to kick it up a notch it definately helps. Let me explain how these are done. Partner tosses ball you catch it and keep the ball about a inch away from your forehead. Then very very very slowly lower yourself until you are a little past flat. Here is the most important thing. During the whole excersize you are contracting your abs the whole time. never relax. Now at a little past flat instead of the normal pull yourself up motion, you flex your abs so hard that the contraction pulls you up and at the very top when you get to your knees you hold it and squeeze your abs as hard as you possibly can then lower yourself again. Remember never relax those abs. If done right you are not going to make it passed 10reps. I do those for 3 sets
dumbell oblique raise
Bridge iso hold
45lbon back hold position for 1 min 3 times
Awesome freakin workout today. Totally pumped the whole way through and had a ton of energy and mental focus from raising my carbs up to like 250g for the day. Nothin crazy. Either way I'm lovin this shit!