You people are seriously fucking morons. Same as with training, you follow the bullshit perpetuaed by bodybuilders. You don't go into a starvation mode after 4-6 fucking hours you dipshits. How retarded can you be? And there's a nominal effect on metabolism between 3 meals and 6 meals.
And a calorie is a fucking calorie, douche bag. 2,000 calories is 2,000 calories. If you have a negative energy balance, regardless of what it's from (say, cookies) you will lose weight. This is fucking elementary, but you people are idiotic enough to believe you starve if you eat three meals a day.
Oh wait, and let me guess, you can't digest more than 30-40 grams of protein per meal, right?
Fuck you people. Seriously, I'm so fed up with your idiocy. You continue to perpetuate the same bullshit time and again. Morons.