July 2, 2007
(I did 40 minutes of cardio on Saturday - same diet. No changes)
N P P, 20mg
E Q, 10mg
Clenbuterol, 20mcg x 5
W I N NY, 3mg
G H - , 2iu
Anavar , 12.5 mg split am/pm
T-3, 150mcg
r-alpha lipoic acid
cardio breeze
Vitamin C
Yohimburn smeared all over my bottom 1/2
Meal One =
2 eggs + 1/2 cup egg whites
1/4 cup rice
Meal Two = 235 cals (20g/13g/10g)
40 grams Whey Protein Shake in 1 cup ff milk (VPX - graham cracker, 2 scoops) + fiber sure
1 glucorell
Meal Three =
5 oz chicken breast
miracle noodles
1 tsp chili sauce
Meal Four
2 tbsp anpb
Meal Five =
40 grams casein/whey protein mix(GNC Pro Performance vanilla caramel) in water
1/2 grapefruit
Meal Six =
40 grams casein/whey protein mix(GNC Pro Performance vanilla caramel) in 6 oz ff milk
1 tbsp anpb
1 glucorell
50 minutes on the eliptical. ramp @ 16, level 10
ABS - 5 sets 12-15 reps TUT = 6
Weighted Cable Crunches
Hanging leg raises
Decline crunches
8-10 reps each set
2 minutes rest between giant sets
Warmup on incline tread - 15 Degrees at 3 mph for 15
ATF Squats(used smith)
Stiff BARBELL deads
Leg Extensions - toes in
Leg Curls - toes in
Walking Lunges - 10 per leg
legs wobbly again. lol Easier this week, though.

I'm starting to flake out, though. lol I didn't write weights down again and can't remember the numbers to save my life. Brain dead = getting close to the end.

I start doing something and then forget what I'm doing 1/2 way through it...and have to start over. Sometimes more than once. duh.
I haven't weighed myself for a few days. I did measure my quads today - I've lost another 1/2 inch off of them. 21.5 inches now. This is the smallest my legs have been in years, people. Probably since the 4th grade.

(ok - maybe not that long ago...but it's been a long time.)
I'll weigh myself on Saturday - 3 weeks out.