Miss24k said:What is this meanotan you speak of?
melanotan II. go to www.melanotan.org
in a nutshell:
it's a tanning agent invented and the University of Arizona. It was intended to prevent skin cancer - but it also seems to give men spontanious wood - so may be approved by the FDA as a sex drug.
you take sub-q injections via an insulin needle and get a little sunat the same time. You'll start to darken up pretty fast - (I over did it the first time) then you cut down to 1 shot a week to keep your tan with minimal sun exposure.
sides = feeling a little urpy at the beginning and loss of appetite. both go away after a few weeks. I've also noticed that I get a little stuffed up in the nose after each shot. the only other side is that you get all tingly in your nether regions - the equivelent of spontanious wood inguys, I guess.
melanotan II is approved for research purposes only, at the moment. it is not banned by any sports/bodybuilding organization.