I'm gonna take a stab at this -- deca was always the one AAS that guys had available and unless you were a hardcore "old school" FBB, women just didn't use AAS at all up until 8-10 yrs ago. You simply didn't see "big" women except the really BIG pro FBBs. About the time that you started to see the backlash of the freaky huge women and the rise of fitness and then figure, then I think more of the lighter drugs were more available and more well-known via the internet. At that point probably winny was considered the "entry point" for most women and deca was still considered too harsh unless you wanted to look like Kim Chizevsky (in her late 90s Ms O days). And that trend has just continued w/ an even greater trend from winny to var & primo instead of deca. And even now when people discuss deca, its more towards NPP for women instead of traditional deca. And if they are looking for something "more", then GH gets brought into the discussion.
As far as the slow-acting, slow gains, etc. --- exactly another reason why its NOT suggested for women - longer 1/2 life means if you do experience sides, you have to wait that much longer for the stuff to clear out of your body to stop the sides.
But for joints, deca consistently comes up as the one AAS mentioned.