Hello poink
~ 6 years + in performance enhancing supplements( original design, original concepts ect,)
~ University Education ( my Uni is with the Bar Association, credited Private etc)
~ PT certified
~ have Worked as consult for MUCH larger supp companies.
~ 8 years on Elitefitness, where at least my Anabolic Side is subject to peer review
~ 12 years of Training ( been FAT twice and fought my way back)
Know by design how to build muscle for ANY metabolism or body type)
~ shown log of the young mans Progress, and of some of the new ere Athletes
I actually detest proving with paper Sir.
"I am a Nothing to those with Venom in their heart, and SOMETHING to the open minded" that is how I operate.
This is about a way, THE WAY to be the best you NOW.
Not tomorrow,not a year from today, the time is NOW.
This is about in the trenches results and new paradigm in training and method, the PROOF is seen already and will be seen in bold relief when in the future all eyes turn to US....
As of now I only wish to reach people who BELIEVE.