Monday, December 11, 2006
Mood: Started crummy, ended GREEEEEEEEEAAAT!!!!
***NOte to self, whenever need a laugh revert back to first page of new log

Supplements include:
Multivitamin (Nutritox female formual)
GNC Calcium
Beverley's Liver tabs
Amino acids
m1: 4 oz chicken, 1 1/4 cup shredded wheat
m2: 1 oz walnuts, apple
m3: 4 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, 4 oz sweet potato
m4: 2 scoops protein, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 oz almonds
GYM!!! Oh yeaaaaaaaaa Hams, glutes, and abs... lots of ammo to get through this one

6 min warm up on treadmill (speed 4.0)
Seated leg curls (10 x 112.5) x 2 (10 x 120) 4 to 1 TUT
SLDL's (10 x 195) (10 x 205) (10 x 210) 4 to 1 TUT
Smith machine reverse lunge (back leg up) (10 x 125) (10 x 130) (10 x 130)
Wide stance squats (plie) (SS) (10 x 85) x 3
DB lateral step ups (SS) (10 x 50) (10 x 50) (10 x 55) <-- knee started acting up

Seated calf machine (SS) (10 x 170) (10 x 180) (10 x 185)
Standing calf raises (SS) (20 x 90) x 3
V-Ups (4 x 25)
Reverse Crunches (2 x 50)
Standing twists with weighted bar (3 x 25)
Vacuums w/lats (3 x 90 sec) <-- as close as possible
m5: 2 scoops protein, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 tsp creatine, 1 scoop powerade
m6: 4 oz tilapia, lettuce, 5 oz sweet potato
m7: 1 scoop protein, 2 tbl ANPB
Total: 1814
Fat: 41 370 21%
Sat: 6 58 3%
Poly: 8 68 4%
Mono: 16 148 8%
Carbs: 176 590 33%
Fiber: 28 0 0%
Protein: 203 810 46%