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Approved Log SARMS Testosterone Log

Grading day today so it was a busy day with the family. I easily walked 5km today and climbed and played all day. Just did a yoga session off of you tube. This week wasn’t a huge hit with the gym but between illness, work and family I got in what I could. This weekend will be another busy one but if I get any workouts in I’ll be sure to update.
Grading day today so it was a busy day with the family. I easily walked 5km today and climbed and played all day. Just did a yoga session off of you tube. This week wasn’t a huge hit with the gym but between illness, work and family I got in what I could. This weekend will be another busy one but if I get any workouts in I’ll be sure to update.
@CodeNameDuchess you up your vitamins to help with illness bro? :)

Warmup, started with a full body foam roll. Then went with dynamic stretches and movements.

Landmine split jerk(t bar row machine )
5x 70
5x 80
5x 80
Super set with TRX fall outs

Skater squats
4 x 5
4 x 5
4 x 5
Super set with continuous jump squat
Superset with with parallels grip pull ups

Goblet lateral squat
5 x 35
5 x 35
Superset with side plank row
8 x 110
8 x 110

Great workout, felt strong and focused. Finished off with a 10 min walk at 10 incline, 3 speed. It’s Canada Day here today so going to go have a bite to eat and go with the family to participate in some of the activities the community offers.
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