No joke it's not like I have many options in my diet and there someone goes throwing a wench, I mean wrench into the whole thing....
I wonder if that means I can't drink my egg whites at night any more
No joke it's not like I have many options in my diet and there someone goes throwing a wench, I mean wrench into the whole thing....
I wonder if that means I can't drink my egg whites at night any more
I'm affraid it's true duck... Then again... Ya know that's kind a gross... A DUCK that eats chicken and their eggs.... Kind almost like cannibalism
Eggwhites raw.
Wash the egg with nail-brush under warm water. Then crack it and smell it. If the white and yolk does not separate nicely, cook it. Separets, smells OK, eat it.
Mix it with splenda, a little dessert.