If there are those out there that seriously believe that they have to do cardio to burn fat then it's truly a sad day in the bodybuilding world.
Does cardio burn fat? Yep.
Does sitting in your chair reading this message burn fat? Yep.
Does wiping your ass burn fat? Yep.
Does spanking your monkey burn fat? Yep.
Are any of these activities required to lose fat? Nope, though some of you may choose to indulge in the last one purely for fun.
Cardio is a tool to aid in fat loss, nothing more. Since everyone seems to love digging up studies and debating scientific theories please think on this a bit.
Jo Bob has an average metabolism and burns about 3000 calories per day on average. He drops his calories to 2500 per day and adds three days of resistance training to his schedule. After 4 weeks what is most likely to happen?
A. Jo Bob sustains his weight and bodyfat percentage.
B. Jo Bob loses some water and a few pounds of fat.
C. Jo Bob actually gets fatter.
D. Jo Bob loses some water weight but loses zero ounces of fat because he didn't step on a treadmill or stairmaster?
If you chose anything but answer B then please feel free to continue arguing against common sense. I however won't waste anymore time debating with someone that can't think for themselves.
As usual people skim the messages and reply to what they want to and skip the parts that they can't argue against. Cardio can help you burn fat, especially if your diet and weight training is less than optimal. Cardio can help you strengthen your heart, especially if you are inactive. However cardio is in no way a requirement in burning fat. Period.
As I've said before if you choose to do cardio, please do it for the right reason. Do it for your health or because your diet is lackluster and you use cardio as a crutch. Don't blindly do it because the fitness magazines and the masses on this board tell you to.
I've dieted with and without cardio and had great results both times. In the end I preferred to eat a little less instead of burning those same amount of calories with cardio. Perhaps I'm lazy, perhaps I'm stubborn, but I like all of you still follow the laws of thermodynamics. If calories in < calories out, you will lose weight. So long as you are performing resistance training to signal the body to preserve muscle, and following a proper diet with enough protein then the majority of that weight loss will be fat.
If you still think that a negative calorie balance means nothing to fat loss without some form of cardio then there really is no hope for you. Please continue following the masses without looking up long enough to see the truth.